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Active Sport Area Manager:

Osman Mohammad

Hello, I'm Osman Mohammad, and I'd love to share with you my journey from the world of Information Technology to the exhilarating realm of sports provision at Active Sport.

My story began with a Bachelor's degree in Business Information Systems and a passion for all things tech-related. For years, I thrived in the IT sector, solving complex problems, and advancing in my career. Yet, despite my success, I felt a persistent tug in another direction – towards sports.

Growing up, sports were my refuge, my passion, and my joy. Whether it was on the field, court, or track, I found solace and inspiration in the power of physical activity. It wasn't long before I realized that my true calling lay in sharing this passion with others.

Making the decision to transition careers was daunting, to say the least. Leaving behind the familiarity of IT for the uncertainty of the sports world was a leap of faith. But deep down, I knew it was the right move.

Armed with my technical skills and a burning desire to make a difference, I decided to join Active Sport as a Area Director It wasn't easy at first – navigating the intricacies of sports management and building a network from scratch presented their fair share of challenges. However, every hurdle I faced only fuelled my determination to succeed.

Today, I stand proudly at the helm of a thriving Active Sport territory in Trafford. Through innovative programs, partnerships with local schools and communities, and a relentless commitment to promoting wellness and inclusivity in my area.

My journey from IT professional to sports provider has been nothing short of transformative. Every day, I'm reminded of the profound impact that following your passion can have – not just on your own life, but on the lives of those around you. And for that, I am endlessly grateful."

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0800 740 8855

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